Labor Market Impact Assessment

Labor Market Impact Assessment

A Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is a document used by Canadian employers that they use to sponsor foreign skilled workers to fill jobs in Canada. A positive LMIA will signify that there is indeed a requirement of a foreign worker for the respective Canadian business, while a negative LMIA would pose that the position must instead be filled by a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident.

LMIA are approved from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).


All applications must include a processing fee of $1000 CAD. Families or individuals seeking to hire a foreign caregiver to provide home care for individuals requiring assistance with medical needs are exempt

Show that you have enough money to financially support yourself while studying in Canada

Transition Plan

Recruitment Efforts

Wages offered to temporary foreign workers should be similar to wages paid to Canadian and permanent resident employees hired for the same job and work location, and with similar skills and years of experience

Workplace safety ensuring that the temporary foreign workers you want to hire under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program are covered from the provincial or territorial workplace safety insurance provider, where required by law